Podcast | Episode 62
Transformational Growth: Navigating M&As for Market Breakthroughs
In today’s episode of the Centricity podcast, our host Sean Doyle sits down with Izach Porter to discuss navigating M&As as a middle-market companies and maximizing outcomes using proven methods.
Preparing to Be Acquired
- Porter’s experience supporting businesses through M&As has shown him that having your business financials in order is one of the most important things you can do to prepare.
- Buyers are interested in seeing business growth rates, so forecasting and fleshing out growth opportunities will give them the information they want.
Timing Your Partial Exit
- Being in a growth stage will give you the highest possible valuation. People often sell when the business is in decline, which puts the seller in a position of weakness.
- If you are not in a growth stage but are looking to sell, learn what needs to be fixed. Connect with buyers who have the necessary skills to make that happen.
If you'd like to connect with Izach Porter, you can find him on LinkedIn, or on social media @ecommporter