Impact the Consumer Decision Journey through Social Media

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The_Consumer_Decision_Journey.pngBefore making a purchase, over 70% of buyers conduct research by using social media. Overall we are reading that a buyer will use on average 5 digital sources other than your website to “check up” on you and your company. Interesting and actionable data.

A great resource to convert your prospects through the stages of the consumer decision journey is your social media content. However, it must deliver prospects with their desired information. The most common mistake we see is social media, or all marketing tools for that matter, being used indiscriminately of what information needs to be provided based on the customers needs. Ask us about a video we recently prepared and are glad to share that explains the behavioral science behind wise sales and marketing communications. By wise we mean effective, we mean makes money! 

So, what type of information might that be? Here is a glimpse inside this type of thinking applied to social media. Depending on where your prospect is in the consumer decision journey, it could be a variety of different content. To reach those at all six stages of the journey, follow the below steps to help formulate a social media plan to convert prospects and drive new business.

  • Stage 1: Unaware
    • Prospects in this stage are unaware that they need your product or service or as likely how that product or service might help them achieve their goals. To reach them, provide them with valuable content that informs them of the need they have.
  • Stage 2: Contemplation
    • In this stage, prospects are aware that a problem exists and are contemplating a change. Similar content to Stage 1 will help move these prospects through the consumer decision journey. However, this content may be a bit more tailored to specific problems, rather than a more generic problem.
  • Stage 3: Preparation
    • Those in the preparation stage intend to take action in the near future, but are still delving into their specific needs. For conversion, content focused on emotional arousal or rational reevaluation will help them think deeper about the problem they are trying to solve.
  • Stage 4: Action
    • Prospects in stage four are exhibiting action, but have not yet changed their behavior. They will begin to work with you to delve into specifics of the solution. Great content will continue the conversation outside of the other interactions they are currently having through additional platforms your company uses. Make sure the social media content complements the other platforms and keeps the prospect engage and wanting to continue the conversation.
  • Stage 5: Exchange
    • A favorite stage for many, stage five is when the deal takes place and a P.O. or cash has been exchanged. Find ways to make it easy for your new customer to share and interact through their social channels about their recent purchase, thus providing addition content for those still in earlier stages of the consumer decision journey.
  • Stage 6: Advocacy
    • A client in this stage thinks the company consistently meets and surpasses expectations. Easily engage these clients through social media by providing them with content that is relevant and useful to them as a customer (not a prospect) to keep them engaged and satisfied with your company.

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